BEACON Science Advisory Committee

Dr. Kiersten Patsch

Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and Resource Management,
California State University, Channel Islands

Dr. Douglas George

Vice President, California Shore & Beach Preservation Association

Mr. Robert Battalio. P.E.

Senior Engineer, Environmental Science Associates (ESA)

Dr. Jenifer E. Dugan

CAssociate Research Biologist, Marine Science Institute

Dr. Lesley Ewing, P.E.

Senior Coastal Engineer, California Coastal Commission

Dr. Kristen Goodrich

Coastal Training Program Coordinator, Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve

Dr. Dan Hoover

Oceanographer, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, United States
Geological Survey

Dr. Philip King

Professor, Department of Economics, San Francisco State University

Dr. Charles Lester

Ocean and Coastal Policy Center, Marine Science Institute, UCSB

Dr. Dan Reineman

Assistant Professor, Environmental Sciences and Resource Management,
California State University, Channel Islands

Dr. David Revell

Principal, Integral Corporation

Dr. Sean Vitousek

Research Oceanographer, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, United States Geological Survey

Bylaws for Science Advisory Committee

(Adopted by the BEACON Board, September 18, 2020, amended November 17, 2022)


The Science Advisory Committee (SAC) is a standing advisory committee, which provides professional technical science advice and recommendations to the policy making Board of Directors of the Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment (BEACON) on issues related to:

● Reviewing relevant data collection and scientific research initiatives of importance to beaches within BEACON’s jurisdiction;
● Discussing, evaluating, and prioritizing of data collection and scientific investigations of most relevance to BEACON’s mission and that BEACON could
● Identifying of science support resources;
● Developing ways to better integrate science into BEACON’s policy and decisionmaking;
● Collaborating with academic and agency partners on new science initiatives;
● Providing up-to-date science data and research results to regional and local program managers; and
● Where needed and appropriate, providing scientific advice on new BEACON projects or identifying scientific expertise to be consulted on project evaluations.


The Chair of the BEACON Board of Directors shall have the authority to appoint Co-Chairs and committee members with confirmation of the appointments made by the Board of Directors. (Bylaws, Art. IV.A.) Membership of SAC shall consist of thirteen (13) members that are experienced scientific personnel encompassing physical, ecological, and social science disciplines focused on coastal and ocean topics from academic, public, and private organizations. SAC members shall have specific knowledge and expertise in the following scientific and technical areas, including:

• Geomorphology;
• Hydrology;
• Geology;
• Biology;
• Beach Ecology;
• Oceanography;
• Coastal Engineering;
• Coastal Economics;
• Coastal and Ocean Law and Policy;
• Social Ecology;
• Political Science;
• Sociology
• Social and Environmental Justice

Each designated SAC member shall serve for a two-year term, or if applicable, at the will and pleasure of their appointing authority. SAC members may re-appointed to additional terms without limitation.

BEACON consultant staff shall provide support for SAC including scheduling of meeting locations, preparing and distributing agendas and meeting materials, and taking meeting minutes.

3.0   VOTING

Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote. (Bylaws, Art. IV § D.) Only voting members or their alternates who are present at the meeting may make a motion, second a motion, or vote upon a motion under consideration by SAC. A motion shall pass if approved by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting unless otherwise required.

Ex-officio members may not vote. (Bylaws, Art. IV § D.) Ex-officio members may not make a motion, second a motion or vote upon any motion under consideration by SAC.

BEACON Executive or consultant staff may present recommended board actions to SAC to receive the committee’s professional advice and input. SAC may recommend approval of BEACON Executive or consultant staff recommendations or may formulate and approve its own recommendations and shall not be bound by those presented by BEACON Executive or consultant staff. BEACON Executive or consultant staff shall report to the BEACON Board of Directors on recommendations adopted by SAC.

4.0   QUORUM

A quorum shall be two-thirds of the committee members (8 of 12 members). A quorum shall be required for the conduct of any business of the SAC. (Bylaws, Art. V, § 1.) No business shall be conducted by a committee without a quorum. (Bylaws, Art. V, § 1.)


Officers of SAC shall include two Co-Chairs. After the initial term, SAC members may elect officers by a majority vote of a simple majority of the quorum.


Either Co-Chair will attend Board meetings to represent the SAC as may be needed to facilitate Board discussion on issues germane to SAC’s advisory role.


Meetings of SAC shall be held at least once annually. In addition, once a year the SAC shall participate in a workshop with member agency department managers (public works and planning) to discuss scientific, and related management and policy, issues of importance to BEACON’s mission. At the discretion of either Co-Chairs, meetings may be rescheduled or cancelled. At the request of either Co-Chair additional meetings may be scheduled.

Meetings shall be conducted in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act as amended.
(Gov. Code §§ 54950 et seq.)


A two-thirds majority of the BEACON Board of Directors shall be required to adopt these bylaws and any amendments to these bylaws. SAC may recommend bylaw amendments to the BEACON Board of Directors.

A Special Thanks to  Our Member Agencies